What Is Focus ?
Focus is the thinking skill that allows people to begin a task without procrastination and then maintain their attention and effort until the task is complete.
1. Without focus, you won't be as affective in your work because if you're not focusing on the right things or are distracted, you won't be capable of getting your work done.
2. Focus will help you to discover the path that you don't even know exist.
3. Focus will help you to expand your intelligence and knowledge.
4. your focus will determine the level of achievement you get in life. When you bring your focus to achieve something in life you, will reach your goals.
5. Focus can change your life dramatically. When you focus on your life to make it better, It will start to get better eventually.
Ways To Focus On Studies
1.Find A Suitable Environment :-
Choose the right spot. A quiet place with a suitable environment wether it is your room or a library, choose an atmosphere that is silent free of distractions to concentrate.
2.Avoid Distraction :-
When you are studying make sure your cell phone and other electronic devices are turned off, this will help you avoid temptations to be off task and allow you to stay on your plan.
3.Listen To The Music Without Lyrics :-
Some people cannot stand silence. They need to have background noise to help keep themselves motivated. Consider playing classical music softly.

4.Come Prepared :-
Be sure to have all material to work. Have pencils, pens, books, calculators or whatever else will help you finish the task. Organise the area. A clean space will mean less distractions too.
5.Make a schedule :-
Aim to work for 30-60 minute periods with 5-10 minute breaks in between.
It is a lot easier to push yourself for a set period of time, if you know you have a break coming up.Your brain needs the break to recharge and to process the information.
6.Make studying more active :-
Teachers know it, but they” rarely say it ! reading can get boring, especially when it’s on a topic you don’t enjoy.
..Ask yourself questions as you read.
..Look away from the page and summarise out loud that you read.
7.Take control of your Thoughts :-
You are your motivation when it comes down to it. If you convince yourself you can focus, you can. Grab your mind by the horns and start thinking positive : you can do this and you will. Nothing is stopping you but you.
8.Switch up how you learn -
Let’s say you just got done reading 20 pages of next textbook. Instead, do a quiz with some flashcards. Make a few charts to help you remember those economics stats.
9.Reward yourself :-
Sometimes we need a little pick-me up-to keep ourselves going. If the good grades aren’t enough of a reward, create something else to keep you focused on your treats
10.Backtrack, if need be :-
Have you ever been handled a pile of paperwork and wanted to fill it out but you just didn’t know what some of it meant? That can be what studying is like sometimes.
.When a question comes up saying,”What was George washington’s stance on the boston tea party? it will help to know who george washington is, Figure that out and then move on the content at hand.
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