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How To Boost Your Immunity.

 How To Boost Your Immunity

What Is Immunity?

Immunity refers to a high degree of resistance to an illness or disease. It is a complex network of cells, tissues and organs that helps the body to fight infections and other diseases.


 Types Of  Immunity

There are three types of immunity-Innate, Adaptive and Passive:

Ø Innate immunity : Everyone is born with innate (or natural) immunity, a type of general protection.

Ø Adaptive immunity : Adaptive (or active) immunity develops throughout our lives. We develop adaptive immunity when we’re exposed to diseases or when we’re immunised against them with vaccines.

Ø Passive immunity : Passive immunity is borrowed from another source and it lasts for a short time.

5 Signs Of A Weak Immunity

1.Frequent Cold And Infection:

Most commonly people can recover from cold and related infections within 10 to 12 days.

But if you frequently catch colds or recurring cold symptoms, it’s clear that you have a weak immune system.


2.Autoimmune Disease:

If the system is overactive the body starts damaging it’s tissues-leading to Autoimmune Disease.

This disease decreases your bodies ability to combat and cause vulnerability to certain infections.


3.Patchy Hair Loss:

Sometimes the immune system attacks hair follicles. If you lose hair on your scalp face or other parts of your body you could have a condition called Alopecia areata.


4.White Patches On Skin:

Sometimes your immune system decides to fight the skin pigment making cells, called melanocytes. If so, you will start to see white patches of skin on your body.

 .Wounds Are Slow To Heal:

Your body works to protect the wounds by sending nutrients rich blood to the injury site to help regenerate new skin.

This healing process depend on healthy immune cells. But if your immune system is weak your skin can’t regenerate easily. 


Ways To Boost Immunity

Foods which are rich in nutrients like vitaminC and E, zinc helps to boost immunity naturally.

Let’s discuss the top food that you must include in your daily diet if you want  to maintain a healthy immune system. 


Green leafy vegetables like spinach are rich in iron and VitaminC.

They are essential for fresh blood production and keeping blood impurities away.

Spinach contains antioxidants that improve your immunityYou can add spinach to many number of dishes.


2                                  Green Tea

It contains various antioxidant properties that helps the body to detox toxins and other harmful elements. Polyphenols potent plant antioxidants are believed to give green tea it’s immune boosting effect.

You should consume 3 to 4 cups of green tea in a day as it will not only keep you hydrated but also helps to boost your immunity.


3                                 Yogurt

Yoghurt is probably the best known dietary source of probiotics that can give your Immune system a boost. Low-fat yoghurt can have an immune boosting effect because yoghurt contains life and active probiotics.


4                                Papaya

Papaya is naturally full of necessary nutrients like sulphate, vitamin C, vitamin K, potassium and fibre. Potassium keep the heart healthy, vitamin C act as a Anti oxidant that boost The production of WBC.


5                                  Lemon

Lemon is a excellent source of vitamin sea and a natural antioxidant that improves the immune system.

Lemon water mixed with honey can be a great way to boost the immunity you should aim to consume 2 to 3 L
itre of lemon water every day.

6                                  Carrot

Carrots contain antioxidants which helps your body to fight free radicals for cell damage and inflammation.

 Carrot Contain high level of beta-carrot I’ve which act as an antioxidant, it is a good detox fire and has the ability to regenerate enzymes in the liver.


7                                Garlic

Garlic is found in almost every kitchen in the world, it adds a little zing to food and it’s a must have for your help health.

Garlic immune boosting properties same to come from a heavy
conservation of sulphur containing compounds such as Allicin. 


8                                  Turmeric 

Turmeric is used as a key ingredient in many dishes this is also used as an inflammatory in treating both Ostia arthritis and Rheumatoid arthritis. It contai Curcumin which is a immune booster.



9                               Broccoli 

It is rich in Vitamin and minerals, such as vitamin A, C, E andmany other antioxidants. Eating steamed is the best way to gainmore nutrients from the food.


1                     Mixed Fruit Juice

Drinking fruit juice made at home is rich source of vitamins and minerals. The Juice should be homemade not packed.

The main fruits are Apple, pineapple, 
pomegranate, sweet lime, Grapes etc. These fruits boosts  immunity fastly,2 to 3 glasses of juice should be consumed in a day. 

                     Health Is The Real Wealth”


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