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What Are The Benefits Of Vitamin-C

 What Are The Benefits  Vitamin- C”?  

VitaminC also known as Ascorbic acid, is a water-soluble nutrient found in some food. In the body, it acts as an antioxidant, helping to protect cells from the damage caused by free radicals are compounds formed when our bodies convert the food we eat into energy.


Deficiency Of vitamin-C  Can Cause:

1)                                  Rough, Bumpy Skin->

Deficiency of vitamin C can cause the formation of small acne like bumps on the arms, thighs or buttocks.


2)                                  Corkscrew-Shaped Body Hair->

Abnormally bent, coiled or corkscrew-shaped body hair are hallmark sign of vitamin C deficiency, But they may be difficult to detect, as these hairs are more likely to fall out.


3)                                  Bright Red Hair Follicles->

Hair follicles contain many tiny blood vessels that can reduce due to vitamin C deficiency, causing bright red spots to appear around the follicles.


4)                                  Dry-Damaged Skin->

Low intake of vitamin C are associated with dry, sun-damaged skin, But the symptoms can also be caused by other factor.

5)                                  Bleeding Gums And Tooth Loss->

Read, bleeding gums are common sign of vitamin C deficiency and severe deficiency can even lead to tooth loss.


6)                                  Poor Immunity->

Vitamin C is an important nutrient for the immune system. Low vitamin C levels are linked to an increased risk of infection, whilesevere deficiency can cause death from infectious disease.


7)                                  Fatigue And Poor Mood->

Signs of fatigue and poor mood can appear even with low to normal levels of vitamin C, but they quickly turn around withadequate Vitamin C intake.


8)                                  Weight Gain->

Low vitamin C intake has been linked to increased body fat in humans, but other factors may be involved, such as diet quality.


9)                                  Easy Bruising->

Vitamin C deficiency weakens blood vessels, causing easy bruising. It’s often one of the first obvious signs of vitamin Cdeficiency.


10)                     Weak Bones->

Vitamin C is a essential for bone formation and deficiency can increase the risk of developing weak and brittle bones.


Benefits Of Vitamin C:

1.  Reduce your risk of chronic disease.

2.  May help manage high blood pressure.

3.  Lower your risk of heart disease.

4.  Reduce blood Uric acid and prevent goutattacks.

5.  Prevent iron deficiency.

6.  Boosts Immunity.

7.  Protects your memory or increase your memory power.

8.  Prevents the common cold.


Foods that are high in vitamin C:

1.  Chilli Peppers->

Green chilli peppers contain 242mg of vitamin C per 100grams. Therefore, one green chilli pepper delivers 121% of the DV, while one red chilli pepper deliver 72%


2.  Guava->

Guava contain 228MG of vitamin sea per hundred gram. One guava fruit deliver 140% of the DV for this vitamin.


3.  Parsley->

Parsley contains 133MG of vitamin C per 100grams. Sprinkling 2 tablespoons of fresh parsley on your meal delivers 11% of the DV for vitamin C, which helps increased iron absorption.


4.  Sprouts->

Sprouts contain 85MG of vitamin C 100g. One-half cup of steamed sprout provide 54% of the DV for vitamin C, which may improve your bone strength and function.


5.  Lemons->

Lemons contain 77mg of vitamin Hundred gram, be the one medium lamb and delivering 92% of DV. Vitamin C has got talent antioxidant benefits set and can keep your cut fruits and vegetable from turning brown.


6.  Oranges->

Oranges contain 53mg of vitamin C per100 gram. One medium orange deliver 70mg of vitamin COther Citrus fruits such as grapefruit and lines are also good source of vitamin C.


Does Excess Intake Of Vitamin Causes Side effects?

Supplementing with high amounts of vitamin C can lead toobserve such as digestive distress and kidney stone.

That’s because if you overload your body with larger than normal doses of this vitamin, it will start to accumulate,potentially leading to overdose symptoms such as VomitingNauseaDiarrhoea.


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