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Which pulses are good for health ?

what are pulses?

These are the dry , edible seeds of plants in the legume family. Pulses are an excellent source of protein , fibre and other key nutrients. 

Pulses that you should have in your diet are :- 

 1.chickpeas :-

These are high in protein and dietary fibre and are good source of potassium , vitamin c and folate , these are cholesterol free the minerals such as iron , calcium , and zinc present in chickpeas contribute to maintain.

healthy bones and teeth due to their high – fibre content , they also help prevent constipation and promote a healthy digestive tract.

100grams of chickpeas contain :- 

1.Protein – 19g 

2.Iron – 2.8mg 

3.Zinc – 3.43mg to 0.59mg

4.Calcium - 105mg

5.Potassium - 875mg

6.Vitamin C - 4mg 

7.Magnesium - 115mg

8.Vitamin A - 67mg9

9.Sodium - 24mg

 2. Kidney beans :- 

 Kidney beans are rich in proteins these are mainly composed of starchy carbs , which account approx 72/ of total calorie content. These are also rich in fibre.

These moderate blood sugar levels and promote colon health kidney beans are rich in various minerals including folate , iron , copper , manganese , possum , vitamin k.

100grams of kidney beans contain :-

1.Protein - 8.7g 

2.Carbs - 22.8g 

3.Fibre - 6.4g

4.Fat - 0.5g 

5.Iron - 9.35mg

6.Copper - 0.24mg

7.Magnesium - 45mg

8.Calcium - 28mg

9.Sodium - 2mg 

10.Zinc - 1.07mg

11.Potassium - 403mg

12.Vitamin C - 1.2mg 

13.Vitamin B⁶ - 0.12mg 

3. Black beans :- 

A single serving of black beans contains  nearly 15g of fibre and 15g of protein which is pretty impressive combination the beans also contain iron , phosphorus , calcium , magnesium , copper , zine naturally low in sodium and containing potassium they have been found to lower cholesterol and decrease the risk of heart disease.

100grams of black beans contain :- 

1.Fat - 0.5mg 

2.Sodium - 5mg 

3.Potassium - 1,254mg 

4.Fibre - 8.3g

5.Protein - 7g 

6.Carbohydrates - 24g 

7.Iron - 5mg 

8.Magnesium - 176mg 

9.Copper - 0.42mg 

10.Zinc - 6.5mg 

11.Vitamin C - 6.3mg 

4. Pigeon peas :-

These are also known as arhar  in India , these are very rich in proteins and an important source of amino acids like methionine, lysine and tryptophan 100gm of dry pigeon pea seeds impart about 21g of protons. These contain good amount of dietary finer dietary fibre protect the colon as  well as bind to cancer causing chemicals in the colon dietary fibre has shown to reduce blood cholesterol level.

These are aluten free , contain folate , thiamin , vitamin – C.

100grams of pigeon peas contain :-

1.Sodium - 17mg 

2.Potassium - 1,392mg 

3.Carbohydrates - 23.88g 

4.Fat - 1.64g 

5.Vitamin C - 39mg 

6.Calcium - 42mg 

7.Iron - 1.6mg 

8.Magnesium - 68mg 

9.Zinc - 1.04mg 

10.Maganese - 0.574mg 

11.Phosphorus - 127mg 

 5. Green gram :- 

Mung been, mash mung, India is the producer of this pulse also known as moong in India it helps enhance of functioning of the cholecystokinin Harmon this makes the body feel full after eating and Improve your metabolism rate too. Thus it help to control weight.

This yellow dal is rich in potassium and iron. It’s light and eyes to digest nature make it a great food for those suffering from hypertension. It is a nutrient rich food, It contain potassuim, magnesuim, iron, copper, folate, fibre, vitamin B6. The high proten content contri butes to build and repair tissue, It prevents diabetes, boosts blood circulation.

100grams of green gram contain :- 

1.Carbohydrates - 62.62g 

2.Fat - 1.15g 

3.Protein - 23.86g 

4.Vitamin C - 4.8mg 

5.Vitamin E = 0.51mg 

6.Calcium - 132mg 

7.Iron - 6.74mg 

8.Magnesium - 189mg 

9.Maganese - 1.035mg 

10.Phosphous - 367mg 

11.Potassium - 1246mg 

12.Zinc - 2.68mg  

6. Black mapte :- [urad, mungo bean]

It is called urad in india, is widely consumed in northern india. Endowed with protein, potassium, calcium and several other nutrients.

100g of black beans provides 25grams of protiens, 983mg of potassium and 7.57mg iron.

100grams of black mapte contain :- 

1.Carbohydrates - 58.99g 

2.Fat - 1.64g 

3.Protein - 25.21g 

4.Vitamin B6 = 0.281mg

5.Calcium - 138mg 

6.Iron - 7.57mg 

7.Magnesium - 267mg

8.Phosphorus - 379mg 

9.Potassuim - 983mg 

10.Sodium - 38mg 

11.Zinc - 3.35mg 

7. Lentils :- (Masoor) 

It is known as masoor in india. They have the third highest level of proteins after soyabean.

considered to be a rich source of iron as well they are one of the top five healthiest foods. A 100gm of lentil impart 26gm of proteins, amounting to 25/ eoupled with 11/ dietary fibre and 1/ fat.

100gm of Lentils Contain :

2.Protein - 9.02g 

3.Vitamin E -  0.11mg 

4.Vitamin C - 1.5mg

5.Calcium - 19mg

6.Iron - 3.3mg 

7.Magnesium - 36mg

8.Naganese - 0.494mg

9.Phosphorus - 180mg 

10.potassium - 369mg

11.Sodium - 180mg

12.Zinc - 1.27mg

13.Copper - 0.251mg

8. Black - eyed Peas 

It is known as raungi in india. A halfcup of black eyed peas contain : calories, protein, fat, carpohydrates, fibre, sugar. These are rich source of complex carbs, which take longer to digest than simple carbs, provide energy and fibre and help with weight loss. These are excellent source of calcium, iron, vitamin A, magnesium, zinc, copper, maganese, folate, vitamin k.

It is beneficial in improving eye health, reduce risk of diabetes, stronger bones.

100gm of Black - eyed peas contain 

1.Protein - 13g 

2.Fat - 0.9g

3.Fibre - 11g

4.Calcium - 24mg 

5.Iron - 2.51mg 

6.Magnesium - 53mg 

7.Phosphorus - 156mg 

8.Potassium - 278mg 

9.Sodium - 4mg 

10.Zinc - 1.29mg 

11.Vitamin B6 - 0.1mg 

9. Brown Lentils 

These are of ten colled 'Sabut Masoor' in India.Brown lentils are excellent source of BVitamins, irons, magnesium potassium, and zine. they're also a great source of plant based protein and fiber.These improve cholesterol and blovd pressure lwels. these have strong antioxcidont and anti-infl-ammatory properties. these are the most wedely eaten type.

They have an earthy flavor, hold their shape well during cooking and are great in stews.
100grams of brown lentils contain 

1.Calcium - 19mg 

2.Iron - 3.3mg 

3.Magnesium - 36mg 

4.Phosphorus - 180mg 

5.Potassium - 369mg 

6.Zinc - 1.27mg 

7.Sodium - 238mg 

8.Protein - 9.02g 

9.Fat - 0.38g 

10.Carbohydrates - 19.54g  

10.  Brown Chickpeas

Brows Chickpeas known as kala channa is a type of legume loaded with nutrients such as protein, fibre and Carbohydrates, It is an incredible source of vitamin B6, C, folate, maganese, phosphorns, iron and copper. these are beneficial in boosting the immune system, regulates diabetes, and enhance hair, skin and nail health. These are super source of protein.

They prevent high cholestrol, liver enlargement, mount ulcers, skin ailments etc.

100grams of brown chickpeas contain 

1.Carbohydrates - 27.42g 

2.Fat - 2.59g

3.Protein - 8.86g 

4.sodium - 24mg 

5.Zinc - 1.53mg 

6.potassium - 875mg 

7.Phosphorus - 252mg 

8.Magnesium - 115mg 

9.Iron - 6.2mg 

10.Calcium - 105mg 


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